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    Delta e-Procurement system provides 24 x 7 online trading and bidding services to procurement related data through a single interface. The secure architecture of Delta e-Procurement system will strengthen supplier alliances and streamline the procurement process by allowing the timely sharing of supply chain information with their supplier, and by promoting electronic communication over the World Wide Web. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the processes will be improved and the cost of business driven down. When everyone in the supply chain is using the same information and the same procedures, miscommunications are minimized and transaction-processing times are greatly reduced.
 Delta Electronics, Inc. Designed by Delta
Server IP:twtpewebe03, Request time:2024/09/09 04:10:20, Session ID:S62lmpGMWfjvlQjlcjDL2Mn5X1J81Qntnp1PHSDQw21LMRhDfv5V!877271423!1725826220204